Landmarks SGA provided architectural studio support to its affiliate, SGA, in the creation of site reuse plan and feasibility study for the City of Milwaukee’s 30th Street Corridor Innovation Incubator. The city secured direct technical assistance from the U.S. EPA to evaluate the feasibility of creating a community-based small business incubator or innovation hub on a former brownfield site. The facility is designed as a new business incubator for food manufacturing to support job creation in an underserved area of the city. The project evaluated adaptive reuse potential of the existing building that would allow for a modern adaptive reuse of a vacant former industrial buildings. The design will transform the site into a beehive of community-based activities. Elements of the design consider creative placemaking elements to wrap the building with bold graphics that promote neighborhood placemaking tied to public space improvements. Linking architectural design with integral site interventions is an urban design approach that Landmarks employs to achieve maximum community benefit from its urban revitalization projects.
